When dredging a lake or pond, you’ll also need to separate the water from the solids. This allows you to transport the clean water back to the pond or allow it to run off naturally. You’ll be left with nutrient-rich silt and soil that can be used for a variety of purposes.

Aquatic South offers a variety of dewatering services for our clients, both as part of a lake or pond dredging or alone. We bring our commitment to providing uncommonly good service and workmanship to all of our dewatering services.

If you need dewatering, contact Aquatic South to speak with a representative and get a quote today.

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Dewatering Methods

  • Geotextile Tubes

    Through the use of geotextile tubes, we are able to separate water from solids. Sludge is pumped into these bags, and the water is then filtered out of the textile, where it is allowed to run off.

  • Settling Basins

    This method involves creating temporary basins. The sludge is transported to the basin, the water is removed, and the solids are allowed to dry. This leaves behind solids rich in nutrients, which can be transported and used as topsoil.

  • Mechanical Dewatering

    Mechanical dewatering is the most time-efficient method for dewatering. Aquatic South uses a variety of tools that separate the lake or pond sludge into solid and liquid. Mechanical dewatering’s efficiency makes it a go-to for large projects.

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The Benefits of Choosing Aquatic South

  • Ongoing Project Communication

    Aquatic South’s project management team is in constant communication with our clients throughout the project. We work to ensure that our clients understand the scope of the project, including start and end dates.

  • Cost-Effective Dewatering Solutions

    Aquatic South provides the best solution that meets a client’s unique dewatering needs, no matter what that solution is. If we can do what you want with a more cost-effective method, we will.

  • Customer-First Business Policy

    We’re dedicated to building relationships with each of our clients, and we do that by working closely with them so that we understand their unique needs. We then craft a custom solution to ensure that we’re able to meet their needs efficiently and effectively.